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Project Titan: Collaborative Game Jam
Role: Level Design
Duration: 10 weeks
Click on the image to visit the official Epic Game Jam Page.
Project Synopsis​
Project Titan offers a unique learning opportunity that will immerse you in open-world game development. You’ll gain experience in working on large open-world projects, setting up your own remote Unreal Engine studio, and learning how open-world games are created.
The project offers the chance to work directly with Unreal Engine and game art experts, and get feedback and help throughout—ideal for anyone new to game development or looking to hone their artistic or technical skills.
It’s also an opportunity to contribute to a sample project in a fun and collaborative way, join forces with fellow artists, and make connections around the world.
Whiteboxing / Concept for the Scene
We wanted to make a shrine because there were a lot of tall structures that already set a lot of the places apart but we wanted to make a shrine area to remember the fallen monkey titan as the lores did say that there were a lot of animal titans as well. So we decided on making a monkey titan shrine.
The artist concepted a few images based on how I wanted the scene to be laid out and the following images below are how I wanted the level to be laid out when the players entered the shrine. ​

Development So Far...
I'll write more in-depth soon...








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